Nuclear energy applications were developed based on (a) the interaction of radiation with matter and (b) the generation of nuclear power. The application of radiation interaction with matter can be grouped into (a.1) clinical radiology (material object in the form of biological tissue) and (a.2) industrial radiology (material object in the form of available material), while nuclear power generation can be divided into (b.1) generation of power from decay and (b.2) generation of power from fission and fusion reactions.
The group of nuclear energy fields of expertise is divided into (1) radiation technology and (2)nuclear energy technology. Currently, development is focused on nuclear energy technology expertise, while radiation technology expertise is a future development challenge (eg medical physics technology). The main scientific fields needed in the development of nuclear energy technology include nuclear reactors, safety and security, nuclear material processing and nuclear installation management. The courses offered to strengthen nuclear energy technology expertise aligned with these scientific fields, namely: (D1) nuclear reactors, (D2) nuclear safety and security, (D3) nuclear material processing, and (D4) nuclear installation management.