- The visionĀ of the Master Program in Engineering Physics:
To become a master program that is able to conduct education, research, and community outreach in the field of Engineering Physics with a focus on the scientific vision of multiphysics system technology with a high quality in the international level, with excellence, and based on the spirit of Pancasila.
- The missionĀ of the Master Program in Engineering Physics:
To conduct education, research, and community outreach in the field of Engineering Physics with a high quality and to collaborate with other institutions in the field of Engineering Physics both nationally and internationally.
- Educational Goals
The objectives of the Master Program in Engineering Physics FT-UGM are: (1) to produce graduates and (2) to establish cooperation.
The purpose of producing graduates has the following graduate criteria:
- Able to analyze and design a comprehensive multiphysics system technology.
- Able to do quality research that can be published at the international level.
- Able to develop intellectual property-based technological innovations to meet community needs and develop markets both at national and international levels.
- Graduates have excellence and high integrity, whether by profession as an engineer, researcher, academic, or entrepreneur.
The objectives of collaborating with other institutions in the field of physical engineering nationally and internationally are directed at:
- Improving the academic reputation of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics FT-UGM;
- Develop a network of cooperation in education, research, and technology at the international level.
The stated objectives have been described as targets and achievement strategies for the 2016-2020 period.